Boston – The 3Point Foundation recently held its annual gala celebrating ten years of partnership with Boston Public Schools to provide high quality, impactful educational programming to underserved, economically disadvantaged youth in Boston’s neighborhoods.
The event, held at the Fairmont Copley Hotel in Boston, honored four individuals who have provided exemplary support to the 3Point Foundation and have made a profoundly positive impact on its mission: U.S. Labor Secretary and former Boston Mayor Marty Walsh; Intercontinental Real Estate Corporation CEO Peter Palandjian; Boston Police Superintendent Nora Baston, and Charlie Cofield of the New England Regional Council of Carpenters.
The 3Point Foundation is an organization working with the Boston Public Schools to close the opportunity and achievement gap caused by economic inequality for underserved, low-income Boston elementary and middle school youth. The nonprofit organization provides free community-based programs that integrate project-based learning, athletics, dance, and other activities.
The 3Point Foundation was founded 10 years ago by Neil Jacobs with the vision that all Boston’s youth should have an equal opportunity for achievement. The foundation is a community partner of the Boston Celtics’ Shamrock Foundation and provides programs in collaboration with the University of Massachusetts Boston and Emmanuel College.
The foundation’s work is sponsored by private business individuals, foundations, the city, and the state. The organization serves approximately 500 students in its in-school, after-school, and summer programs.
source: https://www.high-profile.com/3point-foundation-honors-four-at-annual-gala/