Take your best shot with 3Point!
Volunteer, Internship, Service Learning or Work Study Opportunities Available
Help Wanted!
Dynamic and enthusiastic university students needed to assist in middle and high school classrooms in Boston.
As a part of 3Point, you will inspire and teach youth to think critically, problem solve, improve their communication and collaboration skills, and create projects using digital technology. All you need is a passion for helping underserved and economically disadvantaged youth. Be part of a team that can change the trajectory of a young person’s life.
Grades 6-8 After-School Program
The after-school programs generally run twice weekly at each school in a two hour block daily between 2:30PM and 5:30PM. Depending on the school, the two sessions for each school are scheduled to be held on one of the following pairs of days:
- Monday and Friday
- Monday and Wednesday
- Wednesday and Friday
- Tuesday and Thursday
The after-school programs begin during the first week of October and continue for 12 weeks and begin again during the first week of February continuing for twelve weeks. While we can accommodate after-school commitments for one two hour bock per week at the same school for 12 weeks, we prefer a commitment for both 2 hour sessions at the same school for twelve weeks.
In-school Program
In the in-school program, volunteers have the opportunity to participate daily in classroom learning for a minimum 2 hour commitment. Commitments for greater than two hours on more than one day are available. The in-school program is schedule as follow:
- The New Mission High School: Monday through Friday from 12:30PM to 2:30PM
- BCLA/McCormack : Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 9:00AM to 11:00AM
Internships, Work Study and College Volunteers
This is a great opportunity for college students to learn and serve in a partnership with their college/university and 3PointFoundation that promotes 21st century skills, social emotional growth and a growth mind-set in underserved youth in Grades 6-8 in the Boston Public. We provide comprehensive training and supervision for all new staff and no prior experience. working with youth is necessary.3Point College Interns will assist a 3Point instructor in the classroom facilitating the project based learning of youth working in small groups to solve community issues selected by the youth. Academic credit and paid internships may be available.
Thank you for your interest. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Sara Kilroy, Executive Director, at [email protected] or (617) 302-9880.